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thank so much for the info! we're checking everything. the game is still in development, some mechanics and functionality have not yet been added, there are bugs, but the team is actively working on the game, I hope the updates will be better experience 

I would say there definitely needs to be a hover tip on each location to say where you're about to go, since the pictures are hard to see for knowing which site is which.  Potion brewing needs a whole tutorial dedicated to it, since it was difficult to figure out what to do myself.  Also, for combat, for the love of god, allow hover over links for status effects.   For instance, what is void feint and how does it function?

For those stuck potion brewing, here's how it works.  Click the question mark on each ingredient for the potion to know how to make them.  Then drag the essences required into the far left bubble at the cauldron, and the one next to it.  Click the cauldron and it will create an ingredient in the center bubble and place it in the grid above automatically.  Repeat until you have all ingredients.  Place those 4 ingredients in the 4 smaller bubbles around the center bubble, click the cauldron and it will make the potion.

For those stuck right after the prologue with the first H Scene, click the time indicator in the top left, drag to 9 AM and click wait.  I'm not sure why there is no interaction with the bed to sleep to morning, but that's how I've been getting time to pass.

For now, I think I'm stuck in the game, might be able to advance other quests, but Cruella's is hard locked as of version .11