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As a note anyone who puts a pun in the title of their game get extra points.  I also really enjoyed it, the quick and simple style made it fun and compelling to play.  After a few generations though there didn't seem to be any real reward/punishment for having a lot of spiritual currency, I wasn't sure what I was achieving, but I enjoyed planting wheat and making large sums of money.  Some feedback on the controls, it would be good if the planting mechanic were even smoother, by having a quickbar for swapping between wheat/vegetables then only needing to click once on tilled soil to plant.  Otherwise I really liked it, would definitely play it for fun when developed further.


The reward for spiritual currency is longer lifespan. I would like to do more to make it clear that is happening. I think most people I've chatted with about this have had something to say about the controls, so you are definitely not alone there.

Also, the pun was Annikat's idea. As soon as she proposed it we all pretty much instantly agreed it was the 'rite' name. It still makes me giggle when I think about it.