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Hi! I've been playing this during free time on my job and really enjoyed it! 

Since you encourajed the spanish translation, would you also be interested in one in Brazilian Portuguese? =)

Hello there thank you for your interest!

Your kind offer of a translation is gladly accepted :)

If you could send me a copy of the translation when you're done that would be great.

I am happy for you to publish it on your page with credit to me.

I could put the link to your page and the translation in my description on my page, if that works for you ?


Im fairly new to this site so I dont understand it very well. Is there a way that I can send you a private message through here with the file? Or you just want me to upload the translation to my page and post the link here?

Heyo! I was looking through old files and ended up finding the translation, so I decided to go ahead and post it, with a link redirecting here, of course. You can check it at ""

If you have anything against it, just let me now and I'll edit/remove it.

Thanks! :)