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I imagine all the people not liking my comment probably haven't been fucking raped or molested or forced into anything that scars their souls. I have. You can all go fuck yourselves with your judgment. PROJECT HADEA WRITER MAYBE YOU SHOULD CLARIFY YOUR STANCE ON THIS?! Are you okay with people essentially vote bullying someone for standing up against rape?


since you've demanded a response from me, here it is: this is not appropriate behaviour. you don't know me. you don't know my life, or the lives of anyone who's reacted to this comment. it's not appropriate for you to make these assumptions and take those feelings out on me and other readers like this. if you want to discuss this, you can approach me respectfully and politely.

I'm very sorry my game has brought up traumatic memories, but this is not the place for these kinds of comments, and for your own mental health I'd suggest not playing. the content warnings are there to allow you to make your own decisions about whether or not this game is for you, and if it's something you know will bring up trauma, it's best to avoid. I'm not interested in an extended discussion about rape, especially not in a public forum: further comments in this tone will be deleted.