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I've seen a couple game jam games do what you did here by putting the volume slider right on the main menu, and I gotta say: I'm convinced.  I think I'll start doing similar going forward, its great! The lil' bear becoming the credits had me CONVINCED there were easter eggs on the main menu and I spent a good bit just clicking around :)

It would be nice if I could see what buildings cost before I can place them, they were grayed out when I didn't have the option, the hover to say 'requires blah blah blah' should probably still happen even if you don't meet the requirements yet.

Great way to implement the Actions Have Consequences. All those farm games tend to start with the same trope of inheriting your farm from some family member, why not make YOU be that family member? Great choice.

Yeah the volume slider is a huge quality of life option. It would have been nice to allow the player to change volume while in game though. Partheas handled both the volume slider and the credits bear enlargening. He was absolutely delighted by it. Maybe we should include more easter eggs in the future.

I regret making the unaffordable options disabled in the menu. It is unfortunate that you can't see what things cost until you can already afford them. In general I'd probably want to rework the menu entirely.