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Didn't like it at all. You just walk with two characters in search of a (castle?) that you have no idea where it is. Labyrinth is very difficult to navigate, especially that you have to control two characters which are exactly the same and it doesn't give anything else to the game rather than frustration. Also, they are very slow so frustration is doubled.

Now, graphics. It could be fine, but the tiles very often don't align with neighbors

As you can see here.

And there's nothing special. It's bad. Two types of tiles is all the game. Two sprites for characters.

No music, no sounds at all. 1 start for that.

That's it. A bad game. Overall, if you fix tile issues, add at least some sounds, add some uniqueness to characters or something to make it more fun to control them, and add more content than just absolutely unfun maze with nothing in it, it could be something good. But as of right now, it's... bad.