The concept feels really good. Character portraits are gorgeous. Only that they don't match with actual sprites. I played only as a girl and it seems like there's not much of a content. No picnic with another girl, no nothing. Yeah, you said you haven't finished it.
So apart from a few dialogues there's not anything else. Would love to look at a finished game. The music is great. Would be nice to have better borders at the map edge instead of just pure blackness of void that stops you.
In the first house I got stuck and couldn't move. It isn't too much of a deal because the game is so short and you can reset by hitting Escape.
And yeah, about controls. Would be nice to have WASD as addition to arrow keys and more explanation of it, the best would be to place it in-game. In the description you said that you can use mousse left click for something, but I didn't get if it every did anything.
Here's the video of being stuck in the house: