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(1 edit)

Thanks for creating the video! The screen corruption/artifacts seen here might be the same problem as described in this discussion thread in the Lemon64 forum. The pin-outs for a MAX Machine cartridge differ slightly from a standard C64 cartridge (a loopback between two pins is required).

I assume that you have tried connecting the joystick to both ports? This game expects the joystick to be in port two, but I'm actually not sure if that is the left or the right port on the MAX.

Hi Geir. I own you an update. So it turned out that pins 9 and 10 need to be soldered together to make game work. I did it and now it works fine and other problems are gone as well. 

Here is a short video:

Thanks for this simple, but very nice and addictive game :)

That's great news! And thank you for the new video - it's very cool to see the game being played on an actual MAX Machine!