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Lucas was in a bit of a playful mood and decided to leave you on a cliffhanger 😌 My apologies, dear friend! But I’m glad you liked the game regardless!!

Also, I’m super curious about this Chinese patch! Is there anyway you could also send it to me so I can add in the option to the game? I’ve been looking into adding extra language options to my games, actually!

Your English is perfect, btw, don’t worry!! Thank you so much for leaving a comment and taking the time to tell me how much you enjoyed my game! It really means a lot 💞💖

Sorry to keep you waiting! Since the web disk I use in China is not commonly used in other countries, I have researched how to send the file to you. I finally signed up for a Dropbox account and uploaded the files, I wonder if this is convenient for you? If not, I'll try something else. Here is the link

No worries! I haven’t been able to check it out, but I do have a Dropbox so I’m sure it’ll work out! If I have any other questions, I’ll just post ’em here and delete later owo Thank you so much!!