Congrats on the top 3 finish! I didn't actually get to play this game during the jam, so I thought I'd check it out now, and wow, this is incredibly well done!
The aesthetic and polish are amazing, I love all the creativity in the design of the areas and the fluidity of the animation, overall no remarks there, top notch stuff. I especially enjoyed the urban styled areas where the trees were signposts. Very unique, I wouldn't have expected the final area to look like a crossword puzzle.
The core character movement also feels really good, it handles the way I expect it to, and chaining together the dashes and double jumps lets you zoom through places smoothly. The main thing I'd say was bringing this game down for me was the world design. I noticed that you went for filling the entire map screen with stuff, and for me personally, that didn't really work. I encountered a lot of screens that didn't really seem like they served much of a purpose, like they were just there because you felt obligated to fill out the entire map. I personally think a smaller world would've saved the game better, especially with the backtracking involved.
Still, despite occasionally getting a bit frustrated with all the wandering and backtracking, I was overall super impressed with this game. The final boss was my favourite part, I had a lot of fun with it. I enjoy that even though the character has a ranged attack, its range is pretty short, so you can't just snipe enemies from far away, making the combat more dynamic. I would've liked an accessibility option to make the fire button toggle fire on and off instead though, since I spent most of my 90 minutes holding down the attack button, and it was starting to strain my finger a bit.
Very good work, both of you!