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Sorry, but you haven’t specified what “fuzzthing” or “cardboard_laugh” is in the code, and you haven’t established what value “stupid” equals.

(2 edits)

think before you reply its GML dumbass

Calling me the dumbass when you had to go and edit it 💀

stfu you dogmatic, narrow-minded, opinionated, sectarian piece of shit.

also i had no idea what half of those insults meant so i had to look them up, i guess i am narrow-minded😭

but to be fair, dogmatic and opinionated mean the same thing 😾

all of them mean bigoted.

yooour mom and yooour dad 😼

you say that when you upvoted your OWN COMMENTS earlier in this post.

i don’t upvote my own comments, i’m not THAT narcissistic 

nvm i cant send the image



hehe lel