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Then why is that the only thing that not only Celeste fans, but Maddy herself consistently bring up? If her being trans wasn’t what the game was about then it wouldn’t be mentioned so goddamn often by the fans and the creator. It should be up to the individual player to decide what a character’s gender is, not forcefed to them by the community. That’s why you don’t see me berating Undertale, because Frisk has an ambiguous gender, the player chooses to call the little yellow child a he, a she, or a they while they play the game.

Ok, go give your mommy the Ipad so she can put it on the charger, would hate for you to not have roblox.


funnily enough i just got off roblox 💀


yea i know

That doesn't mean the game is about her being trans. Please actually use your brain like you said you do.

if you could use your brain you’d realize by now that i do not care, stop replying lil bro, you’re dying on a hill i don’t care about 


Then stop replying to me than


no u lol