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(4 edits)

Hey so i just start to create the rooms and i've that for now :

Basically, SIM8 see the ship through cameras' eyes. There is one per room. In each of these room you'll have the possibilities to execute somes actions. For example, in the PilotRoom you can boost the engines, initiate landing or take off, etc.

When taking damages, some rooms might became unusable and must be repaired. Others will just induce some loss like the storeroom.

From the coding side, their is an abstract class, Room, extending scene2d.ui.Table. Then all the rooms inherit from this first class or from RepairableRoom which is also abstract and manage the room status when damages are inflicted.

I didn't wrote all my code today as i have a base i often use. The menu was partly done already but i'll come back to all that stuff an other day if i find the time.