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(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

The download hasn't even finished, and I'm excited

Question, how, and why is the average play session a few seconds

*edit, just finished TJs route.

I hate myself. I hate Chase. HOW COULD CHASE DO THAT TO TJ!!!!

Also, that ending was actually messed up. Not spoiling, but HOLY CRAP WHEN READ WHAT WAS ON THAT LAST NOTE I WAS IN SHOCK. Really sad, I really liked TJ, so I'm very sad there wasn't a very non-messed up route. I love VNs, especially FVNs and horror VNs, but man this mashed them up and I hate it. Not getting over what chase did to TJ.

Me too

I'd like it if Chase did that to me


this comment thread is literally the ''there's two types of people'' meme lol. 

SAME, I went TJ route first and I can't believe it, this game is so fucked up but soooo fun.