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"Yes, you did.  And I was as polite as possible in my reply...  But then you doubled down on the condescension in your second reply, so now the gloves are off."

Lol, what is this. Keep them on, this reads like the start of the Navy Seals copypasta.

IMO the early game is quite challenging in a sense because it requires you to take a specific action to get through that is entirely optional in most other management / tycoon games: Taking a loan. I've had my problems with it because it's not intuitive but once you know it's not all that tough anymore.

It was quite fun and very rewarding (for me at least) to find out what works and what doesn't though. What can I do better next game, that sort of stuff, so I'm not really sure what to think about an easier early game. It's actually refreshing to see a management game that doesn't make you auto-succeed over time. Perhaps what is needed isn't "easier" but "more options"? I could see an alternative working where certain events or oppurtunities replace the need to take a loan but come with other trade-offs down the line. ("Remember when we sponsored you back then? Yeah, your famous idol belongs to us now" ... or something like that)


Agreed that figuring out the optimal plays over multiple games was a lot of the fun for me. Also agreed that more options could be the solution rather than tweaking to make things easier. A lot of my beginning difficulty originally came from not wanting to ever be in the red, and only taking loans to get out of bankruptcy once I did go red. As I see it right now, with the pricing of rooms and the money you start with, it’s impossible to not be in the red for 30 days if you don’t use a loan. You start with 5M, 3.5M you need for singles necessities (marketing, dance, song, your office) leaves 1.5M, staffing+rent+idol salaries is probably around 100k a week if you hire only the minimum number of idols, 2 auditions are 200k. That gives you about 13 weeks/3 months before you hit 0. You have to take a loan and have to use it to make more money, such as with a new office worker or a break room so your idols can take on more jobs. The only major negative I see is that a minimum 1M loan is pretty much a necessity, not that it’s impossible to not go bankrupt. More financing options that players know they can employ could be a solution.