(I don't know if this will post to the game's main page, but spoilers ahead if so.)
This was a really fun game with some interesting puzzles and a solid tutorial! I actually hadn't known about Nurikabe puzzles beforehand, so that was a fun introduction, and I liked the solution of going back to the inn for a bottle of sake. Overall, an awesome experience!
I do think the way that the puzzles are ordered can somewhat mislead the player, though . In particular, when I solved the shrine puzzle and the priest told me that one of the kappa's weaknesses was that it likes cucumbers, I thought that meant I needed to find a cucumber before luring the kappa out of the river, so I wasted some time trying to find a way around the river before luring the kappa out of it, because I needed to get across the river to find a cucumber! It also didn't help that one of the earlier puzzles you can solve essentially tells you where to get a cucumber, which implies that you'll need it soon. TL;DR is that you just find a lot of information way before you actually need to use it, which can lead to players following the wrong threads. I would have avoided telling players about the logic puzzle or anything related to cucumbers until after they deal with the kappa; that way, it's clear when you're ready to lure out the kappa and you have a solid idea of what to do afterward.
That's a lot of writing for what was overall a really minor hiccup, though, so I want to reiterate that I had a lovely time and I hope more people play this!