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Hmmm, off the top of my head, I had several Chika's solo scenes from Commited that only triggered at Devoted (and all the other characters were commited/devoted as well). I feel like that was the case with some other characters as well, but I can't remember, will replay and check.

Also no, Chara Dungeon doesn't have RMB skip :P

(1 edit) (+1)

Yes, RMB skip would have been added to Chara Dungeon if I didn’t mess up my todo list.

Maybe Chika in the infirmary, it’s a committed scene that require the infirmary key. If all the scenes end up being unlocked, it’s fine for me.

No, wait I just remembered!! There is a small probability that the selected scene to play is a scene you’ve already seen even if there are still scenes you haven’t seen in the pool. Since you’ve seen the scene, it doesn’t have a “(!)”. I think that given enough time, you would have seen those Committed scenes even without leveling up to Devoted.