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Thoroughly immersive experience, showing the darker side of QA in a AA video game studio! Although inspired by the Fears to Fathom series, Creepy Waves FM is taking on its own unique identity within the genre and Bugs Fixer improves dramatically from the first game, Train Departs

The game-within-a-game mechanic whilst fixing the code of the prototypes is fun and interesting, the developer has clearly listened to feedback and constructive criticism from the earlier game in the series. The dialogue and grammar is cleaner this time around, the meta nods throughout are humorous and you empathise with some of the characters (love Mike. Poor Mike.) 

With these types of games, when the main character has to take medication to help with hallucinations and whether what they're seeing is 'real' the payoff can sometimes be a little anticlimactic, but Bugs Fixer handles this scenario with just the right balance of suspicion and paranoia. 

With an expanded storyline this time around, there's a slow build of tension and with an alternative endings on display, really looking forward to what comes next in the Creepy Waves FM series.

Few critiques this time around:

  • Walking pace could be sped up (just by a notch) 
  • The section going to the laundry shop felt like padding. Although there were some interesting characters to talk to, this may have been a great opportunity to learn more about the main character and interactions with friends, or why he decided to leave the indie studio. The section just felt a little off-kilter from everything else in the game.
  • The Manager could have been given a name!