It's a lot more difficult to get less than 1% unemployment now (the game automatically sets it to 1% if it's below 1%).
My method is, get two land reforms during 1929, get WTB-plan implemented ones 1929 and once more january 1930 (unemploment is then 15.6% which makes WTB nr 2 remove 5% unemployment), then land reform twice during 1930 (unepoyment has to be over 5% for land reform and WTB and lowering taxes to have an effect), AND lower overal taxes ones 1930 (if done 1929 in conjungtion with two land reforms WTB nr 2 is weaker), do the WTB-plan again january 1931 and then do the third work council reform 1931 (removes 2% unemployment, if done earlier it gets uneployemnt to low for the WTB-plan to have the dissired effect), january 1932 and 1933 do the nationalizations (remove 1.2% uneployment twice) and if you keep capital strike progress low enough you can survive high inflation without business even getting worried (raises unemployment).