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I got the Therium  Route on my first playthought! Is this a... secret route or what?


I must say I don't completly understand his lustful anger at the MC, maybe it's because our protagonist having a demon inside of him makes everyone who is near fall in love with us instantly, and Therium frustrations comes from somehow knowing this, but he can't do anything about it?

It's like knowing you're addicted to a drug, you don't like the drug but can't really do anything to stop ingesting it.

Somehow it seems like he can see all "routes" that we take with his magic, and he's so annoyed that this is the only route that we even care about him.

Anyways, that Love/Hate thing is kinda hot, what's wrong with me haha.


Spoiler (My thought)

Therium lustful anger is likely coming from his sorrow and frustation from time's reset(Imagine the person you fall in love with don't even recognize you again and again.) 

The cloak person also warned Therium times and times again 'Yo, don't get too attach to Cody lol' but then everything just repeat in circle.