I just noticed it because everywhere his hand looks normal except here, but it's not that bad either I just wanted to draw attention to it.
it really came across that you really don't like Owen that much, and most of the time when a VM creator mentions that, it's usually for a reason and most of the time the characters disappear.
as I mentioned before I really like his facial expressions which shows his mood which really shows that he is really struggling with a lot of things and that makes it really fun to get to know him more.
because it is very important to me to give my open, honest and friendly opinion because I have recently noticed that,
when I see this in other VMs there are more and more unfriendly comments insulting the creators, and this has really gotten out of hand, rumors are being spread which is not okay.
and what I also noticed is that it's not really great if you don't have most of the stuff in your favorites list, or in general most of the games are not displayed here and it's really hard to find them, especially all the VMs are not suggested so less and less people see you because they don't know you are there, this has really deteriorated a lot lately on the site, I wanted to mention it additionally because I didn't know if you already know it yourself, because if I didn't have yours in my favorites list it wouldn't be suggested to me at all, and I think that's quite a shame I wonder if there's any reason why the site does that here