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I would happily play a more traditional platformer with the same art, because this is so nice to look at, with big backgrounds and so many unique things in practically every level. Especially fond of the ghosts in the boat, and the disconcertingly wriggly toes and fingers on some of the bigger sprites. I just wish I liked the gameplay as much... part of the movement just feels a bit buggy, like when you recoil slightly when you walk into a wall, but ultimately the design just didn't quite work for me. I don't know what I thought an anti-coin collection platformer would mean if not this, but there are only so many times I'll play the same level twice, once collecting zero coins and one collecting all the coins. And the big numbered blocks everywhere detract from the detailed, isometric level art that I want to see more of. Really cool stuff, love all the set pieces, just not my preferred platformer engine.