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great aesthetic and presentation. the 3d geometry and lightning is great. it controls very well.

i only played 5 levels, so take this feedback with that in mind
got stuck for a moment at the beginning because i thought "R click" meant pressing the R button on my keyboard, but you expected "right click"
i feel like i get to little time to make decisions in rewire mode,  if i wanted to do a sick combo i'd have to know what to do before hand. maybe thats the point.
the enemy ai doesnt seem to advanced, just shooting them was the simplest solution, maybe the later levels make rewire mode a must to take them down.
the end of levels didnt feel that great, it just takes you back to the menu

it's super cool though and feels great. i hope you keep refining it

great feedback!

I will extent the timelimit for wiremode. 

Do you have any suggestion on what the AI should do more? would be great to get some ideas.