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got to the end screen with 4 rangers and 2 mages.

this game is really great, it started slow and felt silly. but by floor 3 when you start to get more heroes in your crew it quickly gets very engaging. the balance between upgrading or acquiring more heroes works pretty well. as its hard to control a longer snake but you get more damage output. i wonder if you cant try and push the snake to be even longer, let the player decide between the trade off.  i think the difficuly should be pushed further. it was satisfying to see my rangers destroying everything but i feel like that feeling should be earned.
i'd like the gold to be auto pickuped when you clear a floor, or let the player walk up and grab it.
i feel its a shame you cant dismiss heroes from your crew, but it adds a layer of strategy that might be for the better.

it's a really great demo, i enjoyed playing it

Appreciate the feedback, yeah I really need to rework the early game to get off the ground faster. Balance wise more enemy variety and stronger enemies are needed, will have to create more varied rooms as well to run around in. Dismissing heroes is planned for later updates for sure