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First impression of this game is that it's very odd. Feels like there should be a marker for the mouse, as it feels wrong move it around without feedback. The game defaults back to windowed mode every time you alt-tab out. The tutorial animals are way too small and easy to miss. The very first tutorial message with the panda is baffling and I have no idea what it's trying to say. The shooting is not intuitive at all. Combining the shooting together with the platforming doesn't mesh, as the mechanics don't complement each other in any way. Breaking the targets instantly whisks you away to the next stage, which is very  jarring. Seeing future stages in the background makes it more confusing, as it makes you think there are more targets in the stage. You really should be able to move using the arrow keys as well as WASD. Walljumping is awful. Precision platforming in this game in general is bad. Shooting only being possible by destroying single-use targets is bad, since it means you cannot practice it. 

On the upside, presentation is great. I'm just not sure why you felt this gameplay was worth all the effort.