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(5 edits) (+1)

babe wake up, new warlines game just dropped

edit: oh shiiit! THANK YOU for including an extracted (no pun intended) version of the game, I hate installers ♥



(2 edits) (+1)

I finally got around to playing it and the game is pretty dang good !!
i had a lil bit o' trouble with the AI here n there (good ol fpsc)

but my biggest issue was dying and having to reload the level, often making the client crash. 

I think it'd be less frustrating and a bit more forgiving to place a couple healing items throughout the level, or maybe give the player regenerating health.

but even if you don't add those things, it's still a great game, really creative! ♥


Thank you so much for your compliments!

Regarding survivability, there's a secret item that could replenish your health, it's in a corner, somewhere ;>


oh i cccc, im just a dummy then and didn't find it LMAO


Oh no you're not a dummy, it's just very carefully hidden. If you do find it, buon appetito