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I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it! ;w;bb

Unfortunately when it comes to stats and balancing that's the area I'm weakest in/that gives me THE most stress when it comes to ttrpgs; I'm a storyteller first and foremost in the games I run, and while I've been able to make tweaks to the stat blocks of other games to meet that end (World of Darkness, Shadowrun, etc), I'm full aware that a mistake on my end could turn a trivial encounter into a slog or an unwinnable scenario. Since Deltarune tends to focus on creative solutions as opposed to beatdowns in combat, I thought I could leverage that in my favor.

Combat may be disincentivized, but it's still an option; the way I worked with Dialtone's stats was by and large looking to official enemy stat values like health in Deltarune itself, and work backward. Enemies usually only get one turn while the player side has 2-3+ characters making attacks-in a perfect world depending on player stats and class/abilities you've come up with, a good attack draw from each player puts that at 30-ish damage per turn.

I know that's kinda long winded sorry, but it's the logic I went into stuff with. Dialtone's my first game, and while I've GM'd a lot of ttrpg things over the years stats and the math end thereof aren't my strong suits xwx;