More Animations
I should have mentioned this long ago, but the assets I am using are something that I got from the game dev market: The hero asset was created by foxfin The Animation plays a big role in these type of games and they are also pretty easy to implement. With the help of the Sprite/TextureRegion class from libGDX you can flip your images with the setFlip() (for Sprite class) or flip() methods. This is how it looks so far in game.
Text Borders and Pointers
I also added the borders for the text images. So far it has the menu border, which contains the option menus in the game play states, and also the dialogue border, which contains most of the dialogue or any explanations for other things. The way I implemented it makes border images really flexible, however the downside is that there is a lot of manual calculation you have to do in order to properly print a border image. I also have the pointer image. The pointer image points to a text image, and each position contains a number. When a key is pressed, the game will respond properly depending on the current position number. The pointer is also flexible in terms of positioning and at the moment it will only handle inputs up or down, as most of the options are in a vertical fashion. The pointer object will automatically calculate how many pixels it will translate up or down and how many up or down input it can do (i.e. restrictions) by giving it the scale of the text image and the number of options available.
So Far
I just learned how to stream properly at with the help of one the admins. However I recently stopped due to time constraints. Even though I am aware it didn't really help anyone understand anything due to lack of commentary and slow progression, I was hoping it would create another effect. Watching someone code gives me an inspiration/motivation to code as well, even though most of the time I have zero clue of what they are doing or making. Anyway, the implementation of the PlanetState is similar to the ShipState, using the same parameters for the border, text and other images. Nothing much has changed outside of the ones I mentioned above. This is how the game flow looks so far.
Next Steps
I will start working on the game play. I will work my way through the game over conditions to eventually (if i get to this point) populating the game with variety of items, planets and other objects. I also have to work on spicing it up with screen transitions.