What to say about Kult Following?
I normally like to make sure that I give a positive for every negative, but I am really sorry to say that I just can't do that with this one.
My first impressions are lackluster. The game just doesn't feel developed beyond the concepting stage. It is hardly playable and it does nothing to hook me at all. If I was the average player, I wouldn't have played longer than a minute.
Here are some good things I think you did well.
- You have a decent lighting effects plugin, script, or event that makes the shadows and moving lights dynamic. It's hard to pull lights off well, so you definitely managed that.
- The mouse controls are concise and responsive. The movement feels responsive, although some events lag the game a lot.
- I believe you do have a story to tell, but I have no idea what that story even is from <em class="italic" <this<="" em=""></em><em class="italic" <this<="" em="">. I gathered that there is a cult and a church. That's about it. No plot, no story, no themes, not even any characters. I put the game down after finding the doll because nothing happened. Absolutely nothing happened after picking it up and running through all the maps again and interacting with >em class="italic">every single doodad</em>.
Now my critiques:
- Like I said above, there's nothing here to hook anybody. I don't know what you're trying to show me. Even if there was something here, I couldn't figure it out from the oddly paced dialogue, the random capitalization and punctuation, and the exposition dump that is notes and letters. The dialogue neither impresses nor hooks me. For example, "where i am i" in the very beginning of the game. Or, "How is progress on the cult going?" Nobody talks like that, much less a cult leader. Also, "placeholder man".
- Even for a demo, this is laughably short. Some events loop when you walk through them, like the dialogue in the "maze" sequence.
- There is no sound and no music. Except for the generic menu sounds, but even then, those only play if you choose to open the menu. The title music isn't very good. I think it might be RTP? It does nothing to set the mood otherwise.
- There is some really strange mapping choices in this demo. The rope in the basement going up to nowhere, the incredibly empty church layout and the fact that you can walk on the ceiling, bad passability settings, and the vast emptiness of all the maps. Outside is the best map because you actually put plants and eye candy down to make it less of a sea of green, but even then, nothing is interactable. The note in the basement is interactable, but only from one side? There's also no feedback when you actually pick up an item like the key or the doll. No message that says "you picked this up!", for example. Even the flames don't have any animation to them, so it all looks so...off putting and uncanny.
- Using the RTP. For your first game, no big deal, but it does immediately turn most people off from even checking it out. It's there, it's a tool to be used, but with everything else above included with this, it's just icing on the cake to why people don't play RPG Maker games.
This demo needed more time in the oven before you put it on itch.io. There's no reason to pick this demo up. You're not giving us anything new or even really that playable. This didn't convince me to play the full game when it releases.
But despite that, don't give up. Make it better, and don't let this discourage you. Good luck.