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Nostalgia is a charming and brief game that features custom sprites for Harold and Lucius. This game offers a unique twist by casting Harold and Lucius in the roles of teachers, deviating from the traditional fantasy setting that fans might expect.

Visually, Nostalgia is quite appealing. The custom sprites are well-crafted and add a distinctive touch to the game, setting it apart from many other RPG Maker entries. The effort put into these visual elements is evident and appreciated, as they contribute significantly to the game's overall charm.

However, the gameplay is quite minimal. With very little to do in terms of interactive elements, players might find themselves wishing for more depth and complexity. The story, while serviceable, doesn’t offer much beyond its initial premise and feels somewhat underdeveloped.

The game includes two minigames, one of which stands out as interesting and engaging. Unfortunately, the other falls short, failing to capture the same level of interest or enjoyment. This inconsistency in the minigames’ quality is a slight drawback, as it affects the overall experience.

The setting of Harold and Lucius as teachers is a refreshing change and adds a unique flavor to the game. It’s an imaginative departure from their usual roles and provides a different context for these familiar characters.

In conclusion, Nostalgia is a cute and visually appealing game that offers a short, pleasant diversion. While it lacks substantial gameplay and a compelling story, the custom sprites and unique setting make it worth a look. It’s a brief but charming entry in the realm of RPG Maker games, though it leaves one wishing for a bit more.


Thanks for playing!

Can I ask which one was the mini game you found enjoyable and why the other one wasn’t?

(1 edit) (+1)

I liked the exam one where you avoid the "wrong answer" crystals to get to the "correct answer" one. I thought that one really fun and clever. The other one where you just chase down the little kids and run into them, while perfectly fitting for the storyline, was just a little too simplistic. I mean, it's fine but if there are only going to be two puzzles / mini-games, I would have liked it to be as imaginative as the other one. Now had the game been choke full of mini-games like this, I probably would've forgotten all about this one and not even have mentioned it as my focus would have likely been on other mini-games that I found more entertaining. So, if you decide to continue to work on the game and expand it, you'd be fine leaving it in ... although I guess if you're done with the game then you're also fine leaving it in. It's not that big of a deal, I just like crystal one a lot more.


Thanks for your answer!