What a ride that was. Considering the absurd amount of hours I have in Mount and Blade, this game is an easy win for me. And I suspect the creator favored horse archery in that game as much as I did. I consider myself pretty good at it, but wow it's even harder to aim in this game. One thing you will want to know is that aiming is a toggle, not a hold. That messed me up for most of my playthrough.
However, zooming around on a motorcycle with a Koakuma flinging RPGs everywhere is incredibly satisfying. The final encounter ramps up the difficulty far beyond what the rest of the game requires, and demands you know what you are doing (or know how to cheese). The writing is simple, but the environmental world building really carries the narrative. Zooming through so much emptiness makes you feel for what was lost. The visuals doing double duty for the story telling is excellent. The sound effects provide good feedback, mostly. The lack of music may be intentional giving the deserted vibe the whole game gives off.
I am left with wanting more to explore and more enemies to explode. It is the mark of a great jam game if I walk away hungry for more.
Edit: Oh, of note the game hard crashed when I was standing in the glowing residue at Magus Ritual Site. But it has a working autosave feature! Very nice.