I've to say this is among my favorite VNs so far. The story, the setting, and the characters are all intriguing so I'm eagerly waiting to see more of it. I specifically like the feel of somewhat bladerunnerish world and "Cyber magic". I wonder if the entire world is actually a simulation what with the "story time" thing. Oh, and the art is terrific, too!
I actually do like the fact that this is a story and not a dating sim. Now my hope is that it's not gonna be 100% black and white with "big corporate evil" vs "edgy criminal rebels good" theme. I very much prefer shades of grey worlds where things are imperfect and good people sometimes do questionable or outright bad things to survive. Introduction of Darek and his view of not wanting to be a pawn gives me some hope about this.
I specifically like the contrast between Darek and his father and why Darek wants to ally with the MC. I also wonder if MC is going to exploit Darek's weakness of feeling trapped and lonely but he also seems too smart to fall into this - I'm hoping this will be one of those relationships where both really want to be friends but keep getting tangled by a complex web of allegiances that makes it difficult to fully trust each other. *grabs popcorn*