I feel like this falls under fair use, so I'm ok with this video existing, but I do appreciate you asking.
I have two comments:
-You mention a few times that this album doesn't feel like techno to you; I recommend listening to Autechre's first two albums, which are classified as ambient techno. It's a weird genre name, because the music often isn't really ambient or techno depending on how you classify either of those things, but that's what it's called.
-The songs on this album [Queer] are too long; the album was mostly recorded with Garageband [yes, seriously], and so what you hear is mostly live performances with some post-processing. Hi-Fi Transidelica used an even more restrictive recording setup, but I think the performances on that album are better because I spent more time arranging the sequences [but they're still too long].
Interested to see the other Queer Games Bundle music videos as they come out.