Will you continue the development of this game?
Despite the movement being a little confusing at first, I found it very fun, as well as beautiful. It reminds me of some old games like Aleste, but infinite. In fact, you published this in 2016, a long time ago... Even so, playing it I wanted to see this game with more things, like music, or even levels. Many of the games I find on itch.io are experiences that I rarely open again, but a game like yours ends up being different and fun because of the randomness, the different weapons, the enemies (Not that other games aren't fun , they just... couldn't entertain me for as long as yours), so it's kind of sad that you stopped there. It seems to have a lot of potential..
Gotcha, cool. Thanks for the feedback! Yes, I actually never liked vertical/horizontal shoot 'em ups myself, haha, so this was my experiment in making one that I would like—more interesting movement controls, more vital choices of when to fire and not fire, etc.
I still like the game and agree that it has potential to be more, I just have a whole ton of other projects that also have potential. :) We'll see!
If you like games with odd controls, you might like Hammerfight (or a newer, Steam game called Sigma Impact, though I don't think it's as good).