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Saying things like “this and that makes you gay/not gay” is childish and you taking it seriously show that you are immature 1 - There’s nothing wrong with being gay 2 - A woman with a Dick is still a woman if that’s how she presents herself as and want to be perceived as. 3 - You can literally disable “futa” content in game From the way your comments are written, I do believe you shouldn’t even be in this game’s page. Take care!


I'll like to apologize for what I said. I think people should enjoy whatever they want to enjoy and it's none of my business

Just because I don't understand the appeal of Futa doesn't mean I should look down on people who do

Everyone is different and it's 2024 everyone should like what they want to like and not feel ashamed to let other know know

I'm a big fan of this game btw and I can't wait to play more