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I’m a bit too busy with other things to make an extensive example project right now, but this functions pretty much exactly like layers in most image editing programs (with “Normal” blend mode).
Just make sure to set the base image that you use in RPG Maker as ‘Targets:’ here and any additional layers as ‘Add Layers:’ and they will show up as long as their condition is fulfilled. (With no further changes, this is always the case for a given rule.)
You can find the equipment conditions in the ‘Actor conditions…’: Flip the filter to ON/true
for armour or weapons (if both are ON then both must match!) and add any armours or weapons to ‘armours’ or ‘weapons’, respectively. (You’ll get a picker dialogue for almost everything, so no need to note down ID numbers.)
You can also set conditions based on note tags instead, by creating one in the ‘w/ note tag’ fields instead of specifying individual equipment or types, but generally I think it’s easier to use the picker.
You won’t need anything more for basic dress-up, but for example for hairstyles you can use variables. (Pictures don’t react to Actor tags added through Dynamic Chracters, but you can still use the tag system to show or hide layers dynamically based on other conditions. You can use this if your conversation sprites have different poses that aren’t fully determined by the base image, for example.)
There are a few more features that can save you some work over time, so make sure to explore the available parameters and the hints near the start of each help text as it’s convenient to you.