In a future update?! ヅ
Islands, day/night, animals & more!
- Islands (different ones)
- More animals
- Protection from the shark
- Different types of weather, think about: wind, storm, rain
- Day/night time
- Less thirst!
- Sailing (able to build different rafts which can and others can't sail)
- Bed
- Better water purifier(maybe make it more ''expensive" in materials to make it a bit of a challenge
- Different types of floors, think of steal (so it's stronger against the shark or something), think of leaves, small bridges?, smaller stairs, ladders
- Larger catching range for the nets(currently I have like 15-30 nets next to each other, but the outer ones don't catch anything)
- A way to catch fishes in a different way than with a fishing stick, spears to throw at sharks.
- Challenges to complete which helps gaining skills to unlock items!