as a communist I can say. this is an accurate depiction of revolution.
No a more accurate depiction would be mass genocide
Do not forget the mass concentration camps, theft of technology, and destruction of culture.
They'll think it's okay as long as they get to do it.
Its typical communism. It sucks for everyone.
looks like the liberals found this game lmao
(inb4 "NOO IM NOT A LIBERAL! I'M [some flavor of liberalism]")
Liberals=communists today so.
communists=capitalists today so.
he said communism not imperialism
fun way to tell you've been fed up with bullshit about proletariat regimes
You know who else has had enough with regimes? The Chinese under communism
sure... china was really happy and prosperous when it was ocupied by foreign countries like england... i miss these old days damn communism...
same lol