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As always another masterpiece of an update from your VN Nii-Chan definitely waiting for the next update to come, and to the ppl yapping in the comments fam you need to relax Eternum is a masterpiece of a game itself and I know you can hate it or love it it's your choice really and even I don't give an F about your own f*ckin opinions, welcome to the goddamn internet fam even Nii-Chan doesn't give you shit and that whats I like about some ppl who at least has common sense in these types of problems... Eternum might be slow AF with the updates but at least the creator isn't abandoning it + that game is literally high quality in terms of not only in graphics but also the story telling either grow up fam you must be one of those ppl who live under the basement of their parents house or something and also go touch some grass cause you definitely need it...