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This is for sure not hashed out until you remove any parts of my mod from your truck..


Hashed as we came to an understanding. I won't remove this. 


you understand that what your doing makes you a really shitty person right?  It’s not about the TOS and rights etc. it’s about respect towards fellow modders.  No other modder that has any respect in this community is running around re-uploading hacked parts of a bunch of peoples hard work. I feel sad for you man. Hope you come around and realize one day when you actually create something original yourself.

I feel sad for you. You're a grown man, trying to manipulate someone else, insulting another person, trying to make them conform to your community, over a game. And with all that, you can't see your own hypocrisy. Create something original? You had someone model your mods. You didn't originally create those models, you state so yourself. You copied the xml, as everyone does, and entered your information. I mean Giants did the original work there. Your mods contain items made my Giants modders, and you have no issue taking those without asking permission. 

I don't care about the respect of a bunch of whiney modders who are hypocrites. If that's what you want, great. I'll hang out with others. Maybe one day you'll grow up enough not to put so much stock in what others think about you. 

you use a lot of fancy words for someone who knows and understands so little but you’re telling me to grow up. Make it make sense. Lol

Often, when someone resorts, like you did here, to personal attacks, it tells people something about that person. They have no real points to make, and all they can do is demean others. I am interested in what you think are fancy words though.