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I'm chill, no need to worry about me.  I'm not loosing sleep over this I assure you. I just have some free time to fight for what I think is right.

also just fyi before you continue drinking the cool aid these hacks are spewing , I paid around 200 bucks to buy the 3d model. I also got a proper license from ford to use it. I then put over 1000 hours of personal time into making it function and perform the way it does in game.  It's for sure not perfect, I've never said that, but it is one one of the better performing and functioning trucks out there for a high detailed model.  but after all that effort to have someone take it and repost it with out even asking if it was ok. Not "Chill" by me at all.

also, please tell me where else in the community you see "respected" creators taking mods from other creators without collaboration or permission and re-sharing the parts with a few changes to them to accommodate other mods that most users can just do themselves? It's what miserable and attention seeking individuals with no talent and no self respect end up doing. We see it happen all the time especially within this community. But thanks for taking the time out of your day to share your thoughts. I do think it's a big deal, but your entitled to your own opinion. Have a wonderful day.


For anyone who cares, I'm just banning this guy. He's a hypocrite, he's negative and he's what's wrong with this community. There's no point in speaking with people like this.

That's crazy that you got a "proper license" from Ford to use it for your mod when Giants software themselves don't even have one. Show some legitimate proof or it's all bullshit. That's what ever forgets even if we ignore Giants TOS every vehicle mod modeled based on a real vehicle, using its likeness and brand badging it copyright infringement the moment to attempt to sell and profit from it. You can't say someone stole your mod because first the moment you use giants editor to make your mod tos giants grants anyone permission to use/ edit/ share. Second it's can't be stolen because you shared it someone or illegally sold it. You have no license to the copyright of any of the vehicle mod regardless if you modeled it from scratch. The moment to attempt to sell it illegal and not yours. It's only stealing if the only copy is on your computer and someone physically or digitally took it without permission.