there's a LOT of information here, and the vast majority of it is displayed with text.
the art style is super inconsistent.
I agree with both of these. The solution isn't simple though. I would like to display information with icons that convey the same message, but in a less "nerdy" format. There would of course be a setting for those looking for all the numbers, but at least initially, a iconographic style could help ease players into the game. The problem is that I don't have an artist. I am one person whose skillset is mostly limited to programming.
And yes, the art is mostly from asset packs. If you click on the Info button on the Main Menu, you'll be able to see where I got everything from. I agree it could be better with a more consistent art style. But I am a single indie developer with no funding/resources. Maybe in the future I can implement these changes, but not right now.
I'd like to see some sort of cloud save system so I can switch between devices.
Cloud saving will happen! I want every platform to support this feature.
It's more satisfying to click the thing and have number go up
What do you propose I change it to? You get hundreds of stat points, and clicking for each one would take forever. I could implement something like "hold to allocate quickly", but still imagine you want to allocate 100 stat points to each of the 5 stats equally. It would take forever compared to the current system.
Still, I agree it can be confusing initially. I might add an animation or something of the sort that demonstrates how it works.
menus need juice! I want things to jiggle when I click them 😂 in Unity that sort of thing is really easy
I will experiment with this! I do need to add these little things that make a huge difference. As I am a programmer, UI things haven't been easy for me to develop. Take a look at what the game looked like 3 or so months ago:

It's almost comical... While it is a lot better now, I'll keep on working to improve it!
Thanks for your feedback! It doesn't matter to me if you've never played this type of game, I want you to find this game fun!