I feel like rolling ball games are still kinda underexplored, so it's always nice to see someone playing around in the space. The ball feels weighty and has good momentum, which is a good start!
However, it's missing something that's very key to these kinds of games - the ball's physics. If I park the ball on the slope and let go of the controls, the ball just sits there. It feels really unnatural, and I feel like the ball should roll down the slope. Once that kind of behavior is in, I think it opens up a lot in terms of more interesting environments - rolling down longer slopes to build up speed and launch off a ramp or spring, slides and corkscrews and pinball-style bumpers, etc. There's a lot that could be done in this space or added to make the environment overall more interactable and interesting. A lot of the features scattered around the environment feel pretty samey, and I think it's because of these kinds of physics limitations that interacting with each different thing doesn't end up feeling very different.