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I might be misunderstanding the mechanic, but there seems to be a discrepancy with the number of customer cards you should draw between the table on page 33 and the numbers listed in Seasons section of the book (the table saying that for Snail's Pace days you should draw 1 card and 2 for Quiet days, whereas the Seasons say 2 and 3 respectively).

Additionally, the Weather table for Burn seems to be missing some of the reminder values for number of customer cards.

Also, a house rule I've been trying is that when rolling for profit and books sold I also draw a card for each of them and if that card is red I add the value of the card to the total, and if it's black I subtract it (just to mix up the values a bit).

Whoops, those are errors! Good pick up, I'll try and fix them today :) 

(1 edit)

While you're at it I did notice another incredibly small typo: on page 35 it says "After rolling for a daily task, flip a customer card and read the matching prompt from the Customers table (pg. 35)." - the customers table is actually on page 53.

Anyways, game is great, really enjoying it!!