No worries! It's the witch girl who warns you about the ninja girl at the gate. She's in the first room with the white flowers after the room with the doggy girl! As for getting Umbra to lift you up you have to spam the jump button while standing still! Then she will lift you up, and you can skip over most of the parkour sections. If you backtrack to the forest area after getting the bunny mask, Umbra won't be there so you can just use the mask to do the parkour if you're looking for gallery coins or jenny items in the forest!
Okay thank you very much that's really helpful I was finally able to go past the area by the way a simple request is add just a simple explanation of you know the location of the merchant to buy the powder the guide was actually extremely helpful but in the same time it doesn't give that much of explanation because it's just telling me to go by the powder from the merchant not the location of the merchant
Ps I hope it doesn't make you think I'm saying the game is bad no it's not bad at all anyway good luck with the game I'm excited to see the rest