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thanks for the reply, The software is great. looking forward to seeing v2. ill try out the team. i had a think about the real time edit/database vs git /file based approach. i have an idea.

keeping the database is a good idea. but its mainly the documents that i think need the version control instead this could be of use.

when a document is open it could load a file, apon saving that file it could save that file as an auto export to word document in a specified path. While its open it could use a lock file or copy the existing “text based document” into memory allowing multi user still but the file save option will export the file.

still keeping the ability to live edit. but at the same time not locking it away some where and it cant be version controled. Essentially what im getting at is this :

[Server / Software] -> Settings {Set various file path for docs and other files} ––> server / software loads and reads the documents in said file path. {open document} -> initiate get (copy) into mem and add lock file… —> users save it checks and saves over the top or as a separate version and moves old version to a versioned folder.

Because its getting and saving it can be directed to a git controlled folder and be under version control and you dont actually need to change much in terms of software frame work. Plus the auto back up sent to a back up folder in that version control and the whole thing just works under git but keeps the server/software running entirely on its own.

This will help in times of disaster recovery as well as files are accessible fast and easily. as long as the software doesnt care that a change has occurred such as changed meta data to the existing file then git modifications from teams will work. also it will give you more freedom to develop services that matter as if there is a problem with git. thats gits problem. and restoring files is then just a matter of add the directory trees back and it sees the files and makes them available to the user. this will also give studios the ability to distribute the files consistently, know who makes a changes to the repo and when and prevents a complete breakdown if one person makes a mistake.

some things to think about at least. Hope that helps