Thanks! ^_^
I can share, there's my last version of an experimental game (sorry, it's some with NSFW elements):
It's strange, but looks like {else} with many levels isn't work good or maybe I just got confused because very hard code in Ghost Enemy.
It's not so easy to read it without Tab and with many many "{" "}" symbols:
I know Mosi is not created for big code, I just trying to test it, is there any possibility to create mini RPG game.
{set-var foelvl 1} {if {gt {var hp} 0}} You have battle with enemy!{p} {dec-var hp {var foelvl}} {if {gte {var hp} 0}} {remove-sprite} {inc-var exp {var foelvl}} Your Health: {var hp}/{var lvl}{b} {if {gte {var exp} {mul {var lvl} 2}}} Exp: {var exp}/{mul {var lvl} 2} {else} {inc-var lvl 1} {set-var exp 0} {p}YAY! Level Up! New Level: {var lvl}! {/if} {else} {set-var hp 0} {set-var wear 0} {transform-avatar nude} {p}Your HP is 0, and your clothes torn apart! {/if} {else} {set-var air {var lvl}} {transform-avatar soul} {move-avatar deep 3 7} {p}You're dead! {/if}