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I'm a sucker for experimental stuff like this, I think the synths you used give it a really defined identity, and the composition being super freeform and varied left an impression, Battle Of The Rains being my favorite. I could imagine this working great for a game like LISA that just does its own thing. I would have liked for it to fit with the theme of the jam a bit more, but it was still an enjoyable listen. Also, nice on you for using Mixcraft! Very fun program, glad to see people giving it some use.

(2 edits) (+1)

Thank you for the kind and positive notes!

it's going to be an uphill battle for me coming into Itch from the outside where i can just be as herky jerky on Soundcloud.  Like I'm really into the creative area rather than polishing.  I would be best mated up with a producer that did tweaks and removed bad notes here and there.

Battle of the Rains like the first section with the pads is your Medieval Total War 1 kinda tension.wav business you know the army-deploy phase. with the three-beat drum bursts.  Yeah i bent it a little making it double-genre but I had a vested interest in giving an NPC i made years ago on SlothMUD have a back story.