I am interested in Pursuing Tom Ram for the VIC-20. The C16 and C64 versions work, but the VIC-20 version does not work. I'm using WinVICE. I've tried drag and drop to the emulator, autostart from within the emulator, copying the prg to a disk image and autostarting that, and loading the disk image and LOAD"PURSUING TOM RAM",8 all without success. Is this a buggy prg file or is there an extra undocumented SYSxxxx step?
Viewing post in VIC-20 Unexpanded Adventures comments
Dear Garry, thank you very much for your feedback.
I have downloaded the zip file, and dragged and dropped the VIC-20 version of Pursuing... into my Vice 3.8.
It works fine.
My configuration is VIC20 PAL with no memory expansion (probably, the default VICE configuration). Maybe you use a memory expansion? It only works on an unexpanded VIC-20.
I have created a new version of the PRG for VIC-20 (tested with the same VICE too ). It's in the github repo (link below). It should be the same as the PRG in the ZIP, but who knows.
If you can send me more info I'll be happy to try other things.
It was the memory expansion. I had it set to full by default, as this seems to work for just about everything. If I change it to no memory expansion, it works. I'm not a VIC expert, so I thought it would just ignore the extra memory in the memory expansion, but apparently not. Anyway, it works now. Thanks for the help.
Hi arnstar.
Unfortunately the games in the pack do not work with a 3 Kb expansion. I tried to run them before writing this reply. I'll explain why I think this happens.
At the beginning of each game there is a small BASIC loader (a SYS instruction) and if that instruction is not right at the beginning of the memory, it doesn't work. You can find the source code in our github repo if you are interested.