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What an insane amount of work for just three days! Unfortunately, I wasn't able to finish the game; I really tried, but when it crashed/soft-locked me for the third time in a row, I decided to give up. Still, I'll give my thoughts below (not focussing on the story too much, as I haven't seen how it unfolds. FYI, I got up to the part where there's a flashback about Stella's medication).

- The art is just great; the mixture of pixel art and hand-drawn portraits works well too.
- The characters clearly all have their own distinct personalities and never feel boring or generic, so that's great
- The concept of overhearing or remembering conversations while mopping is very nice. That being said, the mopping minigame itself really isn't fun, like at all (so the skipping option is a very wise addition). The moth minigame's much better, though.
- The game is somewhat railroad-y. Sure, there are points where you can technically do a number of things in any order you want, the in essence the game is still playing itself outside of the minigames. Personally, I'm always a big fan of dialogue options, presenting items to characters, etc. to give the player more agency.
- And, as you stated yourselves, the game is not quite polished yet. Normally this wouldn't be too much of a problem, especially for a game of this scope during a 3-day jam, but since these bugs are currently game-breaking (meaning you have to redo possibly 10 minutes of gameplay), this is quite an issue for now.

I hope my feedback is somewhat helpful! :)

Heya, thank you so much!! The skipping mechanic was always there, we just didn't specify how to skip it since we wanted to leave it as a sort of easter egg haha :') but you can just press the ";" key! And yeah, it's pretty railroad-y since we knew if we made it not so linear we would've had a lot of bugs (which we did still have, but much less).